Of all the various photography projects I’ve done and am a part of, my One Second Everyday video project is by far my favorite. The idea is to shoot one second of video every day for the year and at the end of the year put together a family film using all of the video clips. I did this project for the first time in 2017 (you can see that video here) and what I love about it is how a simple act of capturing a second or two of video throughout the year can turn into a wonderful keepsake.
Now if you are thinking this sounds too complicated or what would be interesting enough to capture, hear me out. First off, this project is easier than you’d think and of course there is an app that makes it super simple. The 1 Second Everyday app is an iPhone/Android app that makes putting together a video a snap. The app is great because it sends you reminders and compiles the clips together for you. As it turned out when it came to putting my year end video together, I ended up using the iMovie app because I wanted to add music and titles. The iMovie app is pretty user friendly too and worth checking out. But if you want to keep it really simple, you should definitely try the 1SE app.
And as far as content goes, any little part of your day is great footage. It’s the moments big and small that make your year memorable. From family vacations to birthdays, fixing your cup of coffee in the morning to dropping off the kids at school all of these moments matter. I’ll admit that there were days that I forgot to capture video and there are a lot of clips of my dogs (due to unwilling teenagers) but I didn’t let it bother me, I still love all that I did capture and that I have this video diary of our year.
So join me in 2019 and start capturing a second of your day. I can’t wait to see your video in 2020.