I was inspired to take these From Above photos after reading this post on the Clickin Moms’ blog regarding creating artistic selfies by Dana Walton. I loved the simplicity of it…just taping your phone to the ceiling (by creating a cradle out of cardboard), setting a timer app (I used the Photo Timer+ app as Dana suggested) and capturing parts of your day.
I’m not one who usually does self portrait projects, but this was one that I could easily embrace. I think it was because it didn’t involve me looking at the camera (see, we all have insecurities about that) and was more about things I do in a typical day. Anyway, it was a fun project for this month’s 7 on 7 and I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into pieces of my ordinary days. After you’ve had a chance to look at these bird’s eye view photos, please click through our blog circle. We have some new, talented photographers joining us this year and I’m sure you’ll find their work inspirational. First up is my friend Cristy she has some delicious looking food photography to share. Yum!
A little Saturday afternoon reading……
Editing photos……
Enjoying a little This Is Us with my dogs.
Getting ready for dinner. Lentil soup was on the menu.
I hosted a Tidying Up party at the end of the month. We were “swapping joy.” 😉
Never-ending laundry…..
Coffee time….and a photo of my make-shift phone cradle taped to the ceiling. Next time I need to use painter’s tape (I was warned but just didn’t listen).