Last week I spent 5 sun filled days in Maui with my husband and now that I am back in rainy Northern California, I have to say I definitely wish I could have stayed a bit longer. Thankfully I have these lovely photos to remind me of the warm, sunny days that we got to experience just a few days ago.

These viewing point was on the hotel property. The waves were huge!

Morning skies from our balcony.

I love palm tree photos. This was taken from my comfy lounge chair.

We spotted this turtle from a beach path. It was swimming along with another turtle and was eating kelp along the rocky shoreline. I zoomed way in and was not actually that close.

This is the blow hole which was about 20 minutes north of our hotel. The road to get there twisted and turned but the white knuckle drive was worth it.

We went whale watching with my husband’s work group. It was amazing. We saw so many whales. This time of year is prime for seeing whales because Maui is the place where humpback whales from Alaska come down to mate.

Here we are on the boat and there you see a whale swimming by. They came so close. Two even swam under our catamaran, which was a bit scary.

This photo was taken on the Kapalua Coastal Trail. We didn’t discover this trail until our last day there.

Another photo from the Kapalua Coastal Trail. That little house sat out on a rocky cove. What a wonderful spot.

Another palm tree photo. I climbed up on a retaining wall to capture this photo.
In case you are interested in seeing more of Maui, here’s a little video of our trip. And please follow our blog circle and visit my friend Luciane. Her photos are always lovely.