My oh my, where did the summer go? It seems like just last week we were sitting in the sun, sweating at my daughter’s 8th grade graduation eager for the start of summer. Fast forward nine weeks and I am dropping her off at HIGH SCHOOL!
I can’t believe I now have two high schoolers and two middles schoolers in our family. It is enough to bring tears to my eyes. And although they are full fledged teens and tweens, my desire to capture a few moments of the first day of school has not waned. So with camera charged and at the ready, I tried (despite the sighs and eye rolling) to get a few images to document this milestone day.
Our tradition is to take a photo in our front yard by our big Redwood tree, but today was the city-wide garbage day and the extra cans of debris did not make for a very scenic background, so I convinced the kids to stand together in our courtyard. Thankfully the bacon and crepes that I made for them as a bribe this morning worked to get them to pose for me…yep, I laid a little guilt trip on them.
And while the days of parking the car and walking them to class to snap a few more photos may be over, I still had to try my best to get a shot during the drop off. My middle school boys obliged and stood there for me as I rolled down the window to capture their photos, but as you can see the high school kids (we carpooled with our neighbor so that is the extra boy you see), were not so willing…..ahhh teenagers.
If school started for your kids today, I hope you all had the opportunity to snap a few photos….and just know that if you suffered through long, drawn out sighs and eye rolls, you were not alone! Hugs to you all!