I love a good DIY project and especially one that has anything to do with photography. Last week, while visiting my family in the Midwest my mom showed me how to make a cool lampshade using old slides.
She had actually seen this cute project at a local art fair and started to make one herself using her old slides. The problem with the version she was inspired by was that it used jump rings to hook the slides together, which were really hard to work with. They are hard to slip the slides on and difficult to keep the slide pointing in the right direction, not to mention how they tear up your finger nails.
We decided there had to be an easier way and we came up with a little improvement where we used lanyard clasps instead of the jump rings. This made the project so much easier!
So if you have any old slides just sitting there in boxes waiting to be viewed, this is the project for you. Here is what you need…
- A box of slides–for the lampshade I made I used 36 slides
- A heavy duty hole punch–one that can get through the thickness of the slide
- An old lampshade–you only need the wire frame…you will peel the shade portion off.
- Embellishments for the base.
- Lanyard clasps–found at Michael’s for $3.99 a package (60 count)