
10 Things About Me…..10 on 10 | October

Sometimes coming up with an idea for my 10 on 10 project can be challenging and this was one of those months.  I wasn’t inspired to shoot anything in particular and after toying around with different ideas, I thought I’d tell you 10 things about me.  I figured this would be a good way to reveal a little bit more about myself…my other hobbies, obsessions and maybe a few quirks…….Oh and when you are done learning a little bit more about me, please click through our 10 on 10 blog circle, starting with our newest member, Stacey Griffin.

So here goes……

1.  I love a good craft and actually started a group called Gather & Bloom where we get together once a month and do some sort of project (often Pinterest inspired).  Here’s what we made at our last gathering….burlap pumpkins!

2.  While I love a good latte, one of my favorite drinks is a Green Tea ice tea from Starbucks with just two pumps of sweetener.  They are so yummy and refreshing and a great alternative when you want something a little lighter.

3.  I am a sucker for any kind of iPhone gadget.  Below is my Bobine flexible charger/tripod, Trigger Trap remote trigger, and Slingshot stabilizer and tripod.  All of these items can be found at Photojojo (I love that website!).  Now I have to admit, that I have not used these products lately, but every so often I pull them out and yes, I take satisfaction in just knowing they are at my disposal should the need arise.  🙂

4.  I love lists.  I write down my to do’s daily on various notebooks and notepads that are scattered throughout my house.  There is something so gratifying about scratching an item off you list.  Don’t you agree?

5.  I am a packrat.  I have a hard time throwing pretty much anything away (except true garbage).  This past week I found my Franklin Day Planner from the year 2000.  I still didn’t have the heart to toss it out and put it back in the drawer where I found it.  My other weakness is magazines.  I just can’t throw them away.  I had several years worth of Real Simple, Better Homes & Gardens and Sunset magazines and then I made a rule, that I can only keep one years worth.  Here is one small stack that sits by my bedside.

6.  This year has become the year that I really NEED reading glasses.  I hate to admit it and for a long time was fighting it but I have now embraced the fact that I need these (I’m only a 1.0 but I’m sure not for long).  I have also increased the font on my iPhone to what my kids think is a ridiculous size, but I don’t care.

7.  Before I became so obsessed with photography, I was a knitter.  Yes, I was a felting queen, whipping up purses which now sit in my closet waiting to be used.  I also made several ponchos (see the one pictured below), sweaters and oodles of scarves.  While I have not spent much time knitting lately, I have been known to make fingerless gloves (perfect for photographers) every now and then.

8.  Like many other photographers, I am a collector of vintage cameras.  My collection has grown and old cameras are sprinkled throughout my home.  Some have sentimental ties and others were flea market finds, but I love each and every one I own.  (The photo below is the camera my dad used to use).

9.  I also love collecting old typewriters.   I have four so far and I don’t really know where I would put another one but I’m sure I could find a place if need be.

10.  I have a closet full of photography props and goodies and I wish it were more organized.  I actually took over our guest room and created my own little office space.  I love having this work area to call my own and a closet that is brimming with various photo related goodies.


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I’m a branding photographer and storyteller capturing images that convey who you are and as well as

what you do.


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